Birmingham SENDIASS Complaints Procedure

Complaints procedures and Birmingham SENDIASS

Birmingham SENDIASS will always advise parent / carers and young people to log their own complaints made against other Local Authority (LA) Departments, on the Corporate Complaints System. Birmingham SENDIASS can only do so on their behalf if the parent / carer or young person gives a clear agreement for this to be done, ideally in writing. This ensures that neither Birmingham SENDIASS Confidentiality Policy or Impartiality Policy will be breached. 

For complaints made against Birmingham SENDIASS, either service issues or against individual members of staff, parents / carers will continue to be offered the choice of either the LA complaints procedure or Birmingham SENDIASS own complaints procedure*. Whichever route the complaint takes it will be necessary for it to be logged on the Corporate Complaints System.

Birmingham SENDIASS Complaints Procedure

Any issue relating to the Birmingham SENDIASS or the conduct of any member of the SENDIASS team, including a volunteer can be raised with the manager of the SENDIASS as soon as you become concerned.

The manager of the Birmingham SENDIASS can explain what action has been taken and the progress of any goal that had previously been negotiated and agreed. You can renegotiate your goal or stop any further action at any time.

The manager of the Birmingham SENDIASS will discuss the complaint with you and investigate fully any concerns you may have. You can decide how you want the findings of this investigation reported to you, in writing or a face-to-face meeting. If you are unhappy with the findings of this investigation or dissatisfied with the way your complaint has been investigated, you can ask for the complaint to be dealt with by the SENDIASS Steering Group (Details of the Steering Group will be provided on request). Alternatively, you can use the LAs Complaints Procedure.

If you decide you would like your complaint to be dealt with by the Birmingham SENDIASS Steering Group, you will be informed of the date of the next meeting (held once a term) where a subgroup to investigate the complaint will be formed. If it is a matter of urgency the Chair of the Birmingham SENDIASS Steering Group will contact you immediately.

If things have gone wrong we will:

  • Treat your complaint seriously.
  • Acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receipt.
  • Investigate the complaint and give a full and proper response.
  • Make revised arrangements for procedures and/or services found to be at fault.

If things have gone wrong, we shall do our best to:

  • Put matters right for you.
  • Make sure that the same problem does not arise again for you or other service users.

How to tell us about your complaint

You can:

  • Contact us by telephone:
    In the first instance you should speak to the person who has been dealing with you. Outline the nature of your complaint including as much detail as possible such as dates, times, places etc. Please include day-time telephone numbers.
  • Make an appointment to visit us:
    If you would prefer to discuss a matter face to face this can be done by making an appointment by phoning our usual number 0121 303 5004
  • Contact us by email:
  • Write to us at:
    Birmingham SENDIASS Floor 2, Zone 12, Woodcock Street, Birmingham, B7 4BL

This policy will be reviewed annually.